Friday, March 11, 2011

Website Now Connecting Small Businesses and Penny Pinchers in a Bad Economy

With the economy sputtering, local small businesses are increasingly found themselves in a world where every consumer is looking for a bargain - a lot, a nice discount. But for many, reaching those bargain hunters directly through paid advertising is a financial impossibility. difficulty in bringing in new business is why many Americans are in crisis.

According to small business credit analyst Robert Coleman, in 2008, a small business grant to the Small Business Administration (SBA) loans reached 12 percent, an increase of only 2.4 per cent in 2004.

Interestingly, the blast site catering for all types of people, there was no "one stop shop" where small, independent business owner can offer these deals to consumers in their area to find them.

, where others can see gloom and doom, Jan Stuart saw hope and opportunity. entrepreneur who has seen his successful business to go under, given the declining stock market in 1987, Stuart started a new project,, which is specially designed for new job seekers are increasingly using the Internet, and allows small businesses to bargain them aim to offers guidance that can edit and change as you see fit.

"I really sympathized with small businesses, because I was there, " said Stuart, who offer small businesses three months free listings on the website in order to run the site. "You've got great stores like Macy's that can afford to buy full-page ad offering 30 percent of all handbags. But it is a bag shop down the street, or a woman who sells hand-made bags from small? home-based How business can say, 'Hey, I got a good job here too! "There was nothing for them -?. even on the internet that is why I created Jan Bids ."

Indeed, on-line marketing is a very untapped by small businesses. According to Nielsen, June 2008, 220 million + people have Internet access. But more than half of all small businesses do not use the internet to market or advertise their business in accordance with American Express.

Those who had used the Internet for advertising, and has participated in a limited test phase Jan Offers in Boca Raton, Fla.. seemed satisfied with the results. Stuart's site includes testimonials from local businesses and praised the concept.

"I do a lot of advertising in news print and on the web, but since you sign up with Jan Bids've never had such a consistent flow of new patients from a single source, " says the owner of Siegel Chiropractic Center.

as a reaction to what Stuart believes will be replicated in the country, as more businesses find their place and sign up.

"The Americans are desperate for a job, because they stretch every dollar. But at the same time, they want to help their locally owned small businesses, because we all know the horrible effects of small businesses do not have on the local economy. Marrying these two things together on a website like this will absolutely take off, "said Stuart. "Someone has just to create ."